Market Value
Vehicle market value is the estimated amount a vehicle is worth based on its age, condition, make and model. This value is determined through a variety of factors, including supply and demand, current market conditions, vehicle history reports, inspection results and comparisons to similar vehicles sold in the past. It may also be calculated by taking into account depreciation rates for the specific make and model of the vehicle. Market value provides an estimate of how much buyers are willing to pay for a particular used car or truck.
Below is in-depth descriptions of the common factors affecting vehicle market value:
Below is in-depth descriptions of the common factors affecting vehicle market value:
- Age: The older the vehicle, the lower its market value. A car’s mileage and condition will also affect its value depending on how well it has been maintained.
- Make/Model: Certain makes and models are more desirable than others and can therefore increase or decrease a car’s overall market value. For instance, luxury vehicles tend to maintain their resale value better than budget cars due to their higher quality parts and construction.
- Demand: How much demand is there for the specific make and model? If there is high demand then the vehicle may be worth more money than if there was low demand for it.
- Location: Where the vehicle is located can have an effect on its market value as well; if the car is in an area with a high cost of living, then it may be worth more money than if it were in an area with a lower cost of living. Additionally, some locations may have laws that affect how much certain types of vehicles are worth (for example, emissions laws).
- Extras/Features: Does the vehicle have any extra features or accessories that could increase its value? This could include anything from leather seats to a sunroof or upgraded sound system.