NHTSA Item Number
An NHTSA Item Number is a unique identifier assigned by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to a specific vehicle make and model that is under investigation or recall. This number is used to track and record the investigation or recall process, and can be used to find information related to the specific make and model.
Types of NHTSA Item Numbers
There are several types of NHTSA Item Numbers that are assigned by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration depending on the type of investigation or recall that is being conducted. Some of the most common types include:- Recall Campaign Number: This is a unique number assigned to a recall campaign by the NHTSA. It is used to identify the specific recall and can be used to find information related to the recall, such as the specific problem being addressed, the number of vehicles affected, and the manufacturer’s proposed remedy.
- Defect Investigation Number: This is a unique number assigned to a defect investigation by the NHTSA. It is used to identify the specific investigation and can be used to find information related to the investigation, such as the specific problem being investigated, the number of vehicles affected, and any findings or conclusions of the investigation.
- Technical Service Bulletin Number: This is a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to a Technical Service Bulletin (TSB). A TSB is issued by a vehicle manufacturer to inform dealers and technicians about specific problems or issues with a vehicle, and to provide guidance on how to diagnose and repair the problem.
- Service Parts Identification Number: This is a unique number assigned by the manufacturer to a specific service part. This number is used to identify the part and to help with ordering and inventory management.
- Engine and Transmission Codes: These are unique codes assigned by the manufacturer to identify the specific engine or transmission that is used in a vehicle. These codes can be used to find information about the engine or transmission, such as its size, power, and other specifications.
How to Obtain an NHTSA Item Number
To obtain an NHTSA item number, you will need to contact the manufacturer of the vehicle or equipment in question. They will be able to provide you with the appropriate item number for the specific model and model year of the product. You can also search for the item number on the NHTSA website by using the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) or the manufacturer’s name and product type. NHTSA also issued some item numbers for their recall campaigns, you can search for the item number on the NHTSA Recalls website by using the make and model of the vehicle or the item number itself.What information is included in an NHTSA Item number?
An NHTSA item number includes information about the manufacturer, product type, and model year of a vehicle or vehicle equipment. It is used by the NHTSA to track and identify vehicles and equipment for safety recalls and investigations. The format of an NHTSA item number varies depending on the type of product, but typically includes a manufacturer identifier, a product type code, and a model year code.Benefits of Using an NHTSA Item Number
There are several benefits to using an NHTSA item number when referring to a specific vehicle or vehicle equipment:- Identification: The item number allows for easy identification of a specific model and model year of a vehicle or equipment, which can be useful for recall campaigns, investigations, and other safety-related activities.
- Tracking: The NHTSA can use item numbers to track and monitor the safety performance of vehicles and equipment over time, and identify any potential issues that may arise.
- Recall and Investigation Notification: NHTSA uses the item number to notify manufacturers of safety recalls and investigations and keep track of the progress of these actions.
- Record Keeping: The item number is a unique identifier that allows the NHTSA to keep accurate records of all vehicles and equipment in the United States, making it easier to identify and track safety issues.
- Consumer Information: Consumers can use the item number to check if their vehicle or equipment has been recalled and for what reason, and also to check if the recall has been repaired or not.